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CNR-IRSA activities related to INHABIT

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In this section a list of the most recently published papers on international journals, authored by CNR-IRSA, related to: Nitrogen dynamic in forest alpine ecosystems, Nitrogen dynamic in rivers and agrosystems, River habitat and local hydromorphology, Mediterranean Rivers, WFD assessment systems, River macroinvertebrates and anthropogenic pressures, WFD Intercalibration and Reference conditions are reported.

Nitrogen dynamic in forest alpine ecosystems

  • Balestrini R, Sacchi E, Polesello S, 2014. Chemistry and isotopic composition of precipitation and surface waters in Khumbu Valley (Nepal Himalaya): N dynamics of high elevation basins. Science of the Total Environment. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.03.096
  • Balestrini R, Arese C, Freppaz M, Buffagni A, 2013. Catchment features controlling nitrogen dynamics in running waters above the tree line (central Italian Alps). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2013, 17(3): 989-1001.
  • Rogora M, Arese C, Balestrini R, Marchetto A, 2008. Climate control on short and longterm variations of sulphate and nitrate concentrations in alpine streams of Northern Italy along a N saturation gradient. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12: 371-381.
  • Balestrini R, Arisci S, Brizzio MC, Mosello R, Rogora M, 2007. Dry deposition of particles and canopy exchange: comparison of wet-only, bulk and throughfall deposition in five forest sites in Italy. Atmospheric Environment, 41: 745-756.
  • Balestrini R, Di Martino N, Van Miegroet H, 2006. Nitrogen cycling and mass balance for a forested catchment in the Italian Alps. Biogeochemistry, 78: 97-123.

Nitrogen dynamic in rivers and agrosystems

  • Balestrini R, Arese C, Delconte CA, Lotti A, Salerno F, 2011. Nitrogen removal in subsurface water by narrow buffer strips in the intensive farming landscape of the Po River watershed, Italy. Ecological Engineering, 37: 148-157.
  • Balestrini R., Arese C, Delconte C, 2008. Lacustrine Wetland in an Agricultural Catchment: Nitrogen Removal and Related Biogeochemical Processes. Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, 12: 539-550.
  • Balestrini R, Arese C, Delconte C, 2006. Nitrogen removal in a freshwater riparian wetland: an example from Italian lowland spring. Verhandlungen - Internationale Vereinigung Fur Theoretische Und Angewandte Limnologie, 29/5:2217-2220.

River habitat and local hydromorphology

  • Balestrini R, Cazzola M, Buffagni A, 2004. Characterising hydromorphological features of selected Italian rivers: a comparative application of environmental indices. Hydrobiologia, vol. 516, p. 365-379, ISSN: 0018-8158
  • Erba S, Buffagni A, Holmes N, O'Hare M, Scarlett P & Stenico A, 2006. Testing River Habitat Survey features for the aims of the WFD hydro-morphological assessment: an overview from the STAR Project. Hydrobiologia, 566, 281-296.
  • Jähnig CS, Brabec K, Buffagni A, Erba S, Lorenz AW, Ofenböck T, Verdonschot PFM & D Hering, 2010. A comparative analysis of restoration measures and their effects on hydromorphology and benthic invertebrates in 26 central and southern European rivers. Journal of Applied Ecology 2010, 47, 671-680. 
  • Buffagni A, Casalegno C & Erba S, 2009. Hydromorphology and land use at different spatial scales: expectations in a changing climate scenario for medium-sized rivers of the Western Italian Alps. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 174/1: 7-25.
  • Buffagni A, Armanini DG & Erba S, 2009. Does the lentic-lotic character of rivers affect invertebrate metrics used in the assessment of ecological quality? Journal of Limnology, 68 (1): 92-105.
  • Buffagni A, Erba S & Armanini DG, 2010. The lentic-lotic character of rivers and its importance to aquatic invertebrate communities. Aquat. Sci. (2010) 72:45-60.

Mediterranean Rivers

  • García-Roger EM, M del Mar Sánchez-Montoya, N Cid, S Erba, I Karaouzas, I Verkaik, M Rieradevall, RGómez, ML Suárez, MR Vidal-Abarca, D DeMartini, A Buffagni, N Skoulikidis, N Bonada & N Prat, 2013. Spatial scale effects on taxonomic and biological trait diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean streams. Fundamental And Applied Limnology, 183/2: 89–105.
  • Gallart F, Prat N, Garca-Roger EM, Latron J, Rieradevall M, Llorens P, Barbera GG, Brito D, De Girolamo AM, Lo Porto A, Buffagni A, Erba S, Neves R, Nikolaidis NP, Perrin JL, Querner EP, Quinonero JM, Tournoud MG, Tzoraki O, Skoulikidis N, Gomez R, Sanchez-Montoya MM, Froebrich J (2012). A novel approach to analysing the regimes of temporary streams in relation to their controls on the composition and structure of aquatic biota. Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, vol. 16, p. 3165-3182, ISSN: 1027-5606, doi: 10.5194/hess-16-3165-2012.

WFD assessment systems

  • Buffagni A, Kemp J, Erba S, Belfiore C, Hering D & Moog O, 2001. A Europe-wide system for assessing the quality of rivers using macroinvertebrates: the AQEM project and its importance for southern Europe (with special emphasis on Italy). O. Ravera (Ed.) Scientific and legal aspects of biological monitoring in freshwater. Journal of Limnology, 60 (Suppl. 1): 39-48.
  • Buffagni A, S Erba, M Cazzola & JL Kemp, 2004. The AQEM multimetric system for the southern Italian Apennines: assessing the impact of water quality and habitat degradation on pool macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean rivers. Hydrobiologia 516: 313-329. 
  • Pace G, P Andreani, M Barile, A Buffagni, S Erba, L Mancini, C Belfiore, 2011. Macroinvertebrate assemblages at mesohabitat scale in small sized volcanic siliceous streams of Central Italy (Mediterranean Ecoregion). Ecological Indicators 11: 688-696.

River macroinvertebrates and anthropogenic pressures

  • Buffagni A & Comin E, 2000. Secondary production of benthic communities at the habitat scale as a tool to assess ecological integrity in mountain streams. Hydrobiologia, 422/423: 183-195.
  • Hering D, Johnson RK & Buffagni A 2006. Linking organism groups – major results and conclusions from the STAR project. Hydrobiologia Volume 566: 109-113.
  • Friberg N, Skriver J, Larsen SE, Pedersen ML & A Buffagni, 2010. Stream macroinvertebrate occurrence along gradients in organic pollution and eutrophication. Freshwater Biology, 55: 1405-1419. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02164.x
  • Marziali L, Armanini DG, Cazzola M, Erba S, Toppi E, Buffagni A & Rossaro B, 2009. Responses of Chironomid larvae (Insecta, Diptera) to ecological quality in Mediterranean river mesohabitats (South Italy). River. Res. Applic. 24: 1-16.

WFD Intercalibration and Reference conditions

  • Nijboer RC, RK Johnson, PFM.Verdonschot, M Sommerhäuser & A Buffagni, 2004. Establishing reference conditions for European streams. Hydrobiologia 516: 91-105.
  • Erba S, MT Furse, R Balestrini, A Christodoulides, T Ofenböck, W van de Bund, J-G Wasson & A Buffagni, 2009. The validation of common European class boundaries for river benthic macroinvertebrates to facilitate the intercalibration process of the Water Framework Directive. Hydrobiologia, 633: 17-31. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-009-9873-y.
  • Buffagni A, S Erba, MT Furse, 2007. A simple procedure to harmonize class boundaries of assessment systems at the pan-European scale, Env. Sci. Pol., 10: 709-724.
  • Bennett C, R Owen, S Birk, A Buffagni, S Erba, N Mengin, J Murray-Bligh, G Ofenböck, I Pardo, W Van De Bund, F Wagner, J-G Wasson, 2011. Bringing European river quality into line: an exercise to intercalibrate macro-invertebrate classification methods. Hydrobiologia, vol. 667, p. 31-48, ISSN: 0018-8158.
  • Pardo I, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Wasson J, Owen R, Van De Bund W, Kelly M, Bennett C, Birk S, Buffagni A, Erba S, Mengin N, Murray-Bligh J, Ofenböeck G., 2012. The European reference condition concept: A scientific and technical approach to identify minimally-impacted river ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, vol. 420, p. 33-42.
  • Feio MJ, FC Aguiar, SFP Almeida, J Ferreira, MT Ferreira, C Elias, SRQ Serra, A Buffagni, J Cambra, C Chauvin, F Delmas, G Dörflinger, S Erba, N Flor, M Ferréol, M Germ, L Mancini, P Manolaki, S Marcheggiani, MR Minciardi, A Munné, E Papastergiadou, N Prat, C Puccinelli, J Rosebery, S Sabater, S Ciadamidaro, E Tornés, I Tziortzis, G Urbanič, C Vieira, 2013. Least Disturbed Condition for European Mediterranean rivers. Science of the Total Environment, /10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.05.056.
  • Ntislidou C, V Artemiadou, L Kanli, A Buffagni & M Lazaridou, 2013. The intercalibration of the Hellenic Evaluation System for Mediterranean rivers of type R-M1 and R-M2 at Northern and Central Greece. Ecological Indicators, 29: 208–218.